was an online pharmacy that I have seen it being recommended by some people online and that’s why I got interested in seeing whether this is a potential pharmacy that can be offering quality medications at good prices without being ripped off. But the reason why I am using past tense that it *was* an online pharmacy is because when I tried to access it I couldn’t meaning that the website is currently down. Due to the fact that I am not sure whether is ever going to get re opened or not, I am still going to write this review about this pharmacy, just in case it is going to get re opened.

My Secure Tabs Overview

Those people that follow my reviews knows that I am usually writing about the pharmacy selection of drugs, about what are the prices you can find on the pharmacy (specifically prices for ED treating medications), the online pharmacy’s customer support service, what are their shipping and payment methods, what are their bonuses, coupon codes policy and lately I am checking what do other people who had actual experience with the pharmacy say about the pharmacy on independent websites (because I tend to believe that customer reviews written on the online pharmacy itself are usually fake reviews) and I end it up with a conclusion either recommending to purchase anything from the pharmacy or to stay away from it. Since there is no way that I can find anything about this pharmacy now that it is closed all that I can talk about is customer reviews and I would try to make a conclusion based on what information I will get from the customer reviews on other independent websites.

So, what did people used to say about Reviews

Although the website is currently offline, customer reviews about this website still remains on the Internet and in case it is ever going to get online, it is good to know whether should we stay away from this pharmacy or it would be a good idea to spend our hard earned money. A reviewer named Stephen, on trust pilot said that he had several experiences with and he said that he is very happy with the products he got saying the products have an excellent shelf life and they lasted him for 2 years! He said that this pharmacy used to send more than you ordered! Another reviewed with nickname Magic Mike said that he has never had a single problem dealing with and that’s while he has used this online pharmacy for about 4 years in order to get his ED medications (Viagra). He said that he ordered Viagra generic from my secure tabs and he also used Viagra by Pfizer and he said that generics from this website work better! And that’s while you spend considerably less for generic Viagra! Another customer named Markus said that he lives in Europe and there seem to be custom problems because often his orders are seized by customs. Nevertheless, he always receives either a refund or a reship replacement and that’s why he fully trust my secure tabs that they will never rip off anyone, in case it would ever be online again. I have even found people who are waiting for to get re opened and they search the internet to find for alternative online pharmacies. Some other people on some other independent websites said that they had good experiences with this online pharmacy when it used to be online. The only bad things I found about this online pharmacy are the scam warning websites because none of them have trust in this website, either because it is unsafe to purchase here or because the website is currently offline – I am not sure. One signle negative review that I was able to find is a person who said that the Viagra he ordered from that website used to taste badly (which to be honest isn’t a big problem to be honest) but he still found the Cialis from this online pharmacy to taste good.


There are a lot of independent websites which seem to have people being interested in even nowadays when the website is offline. The reason of that seems to be the fact that this online pharmacy USED to be reliable. Why it is currently offline I am not sure because it seemed to be a good online pharmacy. Because it has got people’s trust but it hasn’t got scam warning website’s trust I rate it with 4 out of 5 and I guess I would need to re-review it once again in case it would ever get online. Reviews

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