While I was searching for a good online pharmacy I have come along but when I tried to access the website I couldn’t meaning that this website is currently offline. Of course, I am not sure if this website has been closed down for a long time now or it got closed a few days ago exactly as I am not sure if it’s going to be closed for ever or if it’s going to be offline for only a few days and then it would start working again. In case this website isn’t ever going to work again then this review, most likely, won’t help anyone, however if the online pharmacy would ever get online again then I’m still going to try to find out whether used to be an reliable online pharmacy and it got closed because of some maintenance, or it used to be a scam and fake online internet pharmacy which got closed down, most likely, because people found out about it.

MD Q Overview

As you know, I’m usually writing my reviews about details about the pharmacy such as what is their selection of drugs and the prices for those drugs, what shipping and payment options do they have, discounts and bonuses with coupon codes that might save you some extra money and the customer support service. Due to the fact that this pharmacy is currently offline, of course, I can’t comment on all of those details. However I did have found some information online about MD Q which suggested that claimable they had a lot of different drugs in their drugstore treating a lot of health conditions but the prices for those medications were really expensive and they didn’t required prescriptions. But then again, I am not sure if that’s true or not because the site is down and this information is what I’ve got from other website. Also on other websites I found details about their payment and shipping methods along with information on their customer support service that USED to be when the site used to be online, nevertheless, in my opinion such information is currently useless, or as long as the website is down. I tried to check if the pharmacy used to have coupon codes and I wasn’t able to find any coupon code sites which offered coupons for this website so I think it didn’t had any. Or I also thought that this may be due to the fact that this website is offline. Whatever the case, I went further checking for reviews. Customer Reviews is offline but customer reviews on independent websites should remain if there would have been some. Like for example I did have found an online pharmacy that most likely used to be reliable but it was offline at the moment I checked it. The positive customer reviews still remain on independent websites if the pharmacy is offline, pretty much as the negative customer reviews. Sadly but didn’t had any customer reviews at all. No negative and no positive so for me that would be super hard to have trust in this pharmacy even if it gets online again. I have tried to see what do scam warning websites is going to tell me about this online pharmacy and scamner, legit script as well as scam adviser recommended to stay away from it. plus to that, Scam Adviser suggested that this is an website with high risk country and that’s because the website used to be based in China and from as much as I know, those online pharmacies located in China are usually scam pharmacies that need to be avoided.

What’s the conclusion then?

To stay away – that’s the conclusion. According to other websites the online pharmacy used to have expensive prices when it used to be online and I wasn’t able to find any coupon codes for this pharmacy. There are no customer reviews anywhere online and scam warning websites warns people to stay away because it is most likely a fake drugstore, or it used to be one. For all the reasons I’ve just mentioned I rate it with 1 out of 5 and I hope that it will never get online again. But if it does then I recommend people never to risk with their money otherwise you will, most likely, endure the consequences. Reviews

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