Researching for reliable online pharmacy Manifest Rx is the pharmacy I found, a mail order pharmacy which is offering home delivery of medications across the USA. is the domain address name of the pharmacy that I have found and according to the information on this website, their mission is very simple as it is to be the premier independent mail order provider of both prescribed medications and home medical supplies. According to the information on the site, Manifest Pharmacy is being located in the Upstate of South Carolina and it is being able to service patients in all states of USA and on the site there’s an exact address given of the headquarters of this pharmacy. the website is very well done to my opinion, it is user friendly and you can easily access all the information on the website since it is well arranged. By checking a bit more the information on the website and other details I have also found some interesting things which is the fact that this pharmacy claims to be URAC accredited and VIPPS accredited pharmacy which is very good in case this is true. In addition to this pharmacy offering their customers the availability to order medications online and receive them at doorstep, the pharmacy is also offering to customers to talk with a professional pharmacist in case they need it. I could not find any information suggesting for how long this online pharmacy has been operating but anyway, that’s not such a big problem to my opinion. As much as I have seen, you cannot order medications without enrolling online where you need to fill up the information on their website and that’s good as you can order medications with ease. Selection of medications and prices for them

Unfortunately, there’s nothing that I could say about these points and that’s due to the fact that there is no information online about their selection of medications and what are the prices for those medications. The only way that you can order medications on this pharmacy is to write them and then, the pharmacy is going to contact your physician and only after that they would send you the needed products. In short, it is obvious that you cannot order medications here without having a valid prescription and we don’t know what’s their selection of medications but I can assume that it is big since they claim that they can send even *refrigerated medications*. Of course I can’t say this for sure without seeing a price list first, however as much as I know, usually, such pharmacies have quite high prices for medications compared to other online pharmacies. But then again, the fact that they should have a very wide selection of medications with drugs for nearly every health need and that they are charging pretty high prices for these medications are only my assumptions – if you want to get exact data about these points you would need to contact the customer support service to find it all out. Shipping and payment methods

There is a FAQ page which turned out to be really helpful for me, or at least it was helpful in finding out that this pharmacy is able to ship medications to all 50 states in USA but they cannot ship anywhere outside USA, not even to Canada. I am not very sure if there are multiple shipping options, however there is information there suggesting that people who order here will receive their medications in 7 days or less. I also could not find information mentioning what is the shipping fee. However I did found out information about payment methods which are: they can take your check or credit card over the phone or you could also mail them a check or money order. These are all the methods available. Customer Support Service

According to the information that I could find, the pharmacy is having several methods to get in touch with them and they include: via telephone, via the fax number, via the email, there’s also a contact form available on the site or, as I earlier mentioned, the pharmacy shared an exact address which can be used to write them a mail or maybe even paying them a visit personally if you have the time to do so. Coupon Codes

The coupon codes are a great way to my opinion in making new customers start ordering from a pharmacy and keeping the old ones returning back ordering more. But unfortunately, does not have any coupon codes and in fact, it does not offer anything at all – no discounts, no free pills, no special offers or anything in this matter. I would much rather try to get my meds from a pharmacy offering anything. Reviews

I was searching for customer reviews about this online pharmacy as they are extremely important in determining the legitimacy of the pharmacy and whether it is worth purchasing medications from or not. The only customer reviews that I have found are all found only on (this is not a BBB accredited business by the way) and there are 6 different complaints! Those people writing those complaints shared their experiences which are not pleasant at all. What I noticed is that there is no positive reviews but there are only negative reviews and I assume that’s not a coincidence. Then I found an even more interesting thing: said that this site could be unsafe to use. With such customer reviews and such a report from, I doubt that I would be happy if I would ever use this pharmacy, which I greatly have doubts that I’m going to do so.

Conclusion seem to be a URAC and VIPPS accredited pharmacy indeed, nevertheless said that using this website could be unsafe and there’s a risk doing so. When you check the customer reviews you can realize that this is true as there are few customer reviews but all of them are negative. Plus – no information about drugs’ availability or prices and no coupon codes or special offers. The maximum rate I can give to is 2 stars! Reviews

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