

JupiterPharmacy.com is an online pharmacy which shared very little information about themselves. As soon as I entered the website I have noticed to be having a good speed, it does seem to have everything that a usual online pharmacy should have and the first thing I’ve done I went to their *About Us* page where I found little information and that’s why I thought that they shared little information about themselves in general. There’s no information where they are located, when they have started their business or something like this. They only claim to have a medical category of medications that’s very broad and vast and they are offering prescriptions for those people who doesn’t have one via online medical consultation service that they are offering. There’s a very little list in their *FAQ* page as well as there are only a couple questions addressed and I read their policies which again, very little information is displayed. Anyhow, I went further in researching information about this pharmacy.

Jupiter Pharmacy Drug selection

The customers of this pharmacy can search their needed medications via search box by writing the name of the medication and see whether is that medication available in this drugstore or not. Also you’re able to search for the drugs that you need by categories (by health condition) as there are seemingly a lot of categories: starting with ADHD, Anti depressants and ending with Weight loss and Women’s Health. As usually, I’m searching for ED medications and there are 2 categories: men’s health and Men’s ED Combo Pack as well. On packs category there are: mini and super, brand and generic. This means there are 4 packs available. They are having Levitra only in generic form. As for the Cialis and for Viagra they have both in generic and brand versions, plus some other versions as well such as Professional, Soft, Super Active and so on and so forth. You can also find other ED meds like Kamagra, Lovex and some others.

Jupiter Pharmacy Prices for drugs

I’m going to comment only on the drug prices that I was talking about up there: Viagra and Cialis so I tell you the lowest prices: 0.94 USD for a tablet of generic Viagra 50 mg if you purchase 360 pills at once. And for generic Cialis 20 mg you need to pay 1 USD for a tablet if you purchase 360 pills at once. These are the lowest dose pills they have. For higher doses pills or for lower quantity you need to pay more because as I said, those are the situations in which you pay the lowest price per pill. The lowest price for brand Viagra 50 mg is 40 USD and the lowest price for brand Cialis 20 mg is 55 USD. Those are a *normal* prices for the generics, although they could be lower, and those are *extremely high* (at least in my opinion) prices for the brands.

How you can contact Jupiter Pharmacy? Customer support team

On their *contact* page you see 2 phone numbers Toll free number and International Line number as well as you can write them a message by email. Make sure that you are going to call them in their working hours otherwise you won’t get a response.

JupiterPharmacy.com Shipping Options

From the information I could find about this website they are shipping from India. Either this means that the pharmacy is also located there I am not sure. They have 2 shipping options: regular airmail which usually doesn’t have tracking, has a delivery time of 21 business days as they said and would cost you 24 USD. The second option is faster – USPS, it usually comes with tracking, it is a bit more costly – 30 USD and it has a delivery time of 7 to 12 days. They seem to ship world wide, but there are few *exceptions* as they said. Usually, as much as I know, those are some Asian countries.

Payment methods with Jupiter Pharmacy

They are accepting payments in Euro as well but as for the payment methods they stated that you can pay via credit card or you can contact them if you wish to use bank transfer. Bank transfer with credit card combination of payment is good, but which credit cards they are accepting I am not sure as they didn’t said anything here, but I can assume the major credit cards: Visa and master card.

Is Jupiter Pharmacy requiring you to have a prescription?

From as much as I could understand (again, there is little information so it is hard to talk with certitude), yes they do require you to have a valid prescription for those medications that requires one. However they seem to have the online doctor consultation service with the help of which they can write and send you a prescription all along with the medications.

Jupiterpharmacy.com coupon codes or bonuses or discounts

The only discount that I was able to find was the lower price per pill if you purchase in larger quantity. One single pill would cost you considerably lower if you purchase 360 pills at once than if you purchase same pills but only 10 pills. But that’s the only thing I found here. There are no special promotions, there are no coupon codes, no bonuses like free shipping or free extra pills. Nothing at all. To be honest, I do think that this pharmacy should think again about their marketing strategies because I’m a potential customer but seeing no discounts or coupon codes – that really pushes me away.

JupiterPharmacy.com Reviews

There are no customer reviews that I was able to find on the big searching engine: google. I haven’t found a single person saying a single word about this pharmacy. I found some review about this website written by a person who doesn’t have experience with the pharmacy and that’s why I am not even paying attention to it. What I was searching for is to see whether is there somebody who can say what kind of experience do they had by using jupiterpharmacy.com, however I haven’t found one. And that’s extremely hard to have trust in a pharmacy when they don’t have anyone to write anything good about the pharmacy. This either means that the pharmacy is new or I am not sure, but the fact that they don’t have reviews is still a big problem for me. I went further searching and I have found a facebook page with Jupiter pharmacy but it seems that this is or maybe used to be another pharmacy as their logos differentiate from each other. Gladly I found that scamner.com have analyzed this website but unfortunately for the pharmacy here’s what I found on scamner: * Browsing and buying in this website is not recommended.* and that’s since they rated it overall with 20%.


JupiterPharmacy.com really should change the fact that they have an absolute lack of customer reviews and I think that they would have much more of our trust and much more customers in general if there would me reviews. But because of *moderate* prices, absolute lack of *customer review* as well as absolute lack of *coupons or discounts* I rate this pharmacy with 2 out of 5. This means that I recommend against purchasing here as you risk losing your money. However I am not sure if they are fake and scammers and that’s why I rated it with 2 and not 1.

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