Boston Medical Center is the company, which I am going to review now, and this Center can be found online at the domain address As soon as I have entered this domain address I’ve seen a really good and well made website with user friendly interface which is greatly facilitating the understanding and navigation through the site. They claim to have the best and the brightest physicians which are representing virtually every medical specialty. By going on their *about us* page online you can see different statistics like how many beds to they have, physicians, inpatient admissions and so on and so forth. In addition to health center, they are also having health maintenance organization which has been founded in 1997 by Boston Medical Center and it is currently serving, claimable, over 240,000 members across the state. You can also see the history of this Boston Medical Center and read about it if you’re interested in it. you can also find its exact address by clicking on *visiting us* page where you need to search for the needed *builds* as there are doctors office building, Dowling building, Moakley building, Menino Pavilion and some others. Also you’re able to search for the needed buildings according to: programs and services which you need to choose and you’re going to be redirected accordingly or according to specialty care and by choosing it you’re going to be redirected. Generally, there’s a lot of information and articles and new on the website which you’re able to read and access what you need according to your needs. There are such pages as: directions and transportation, visiting hours, dining, hotels, patient information and many others. You’re able to find a doctor online, make an appointment, get the programs and services such as programs for adults or for children and many others. In short, there are a lot of things you can access through their website. It seems that this Boston Medical Center is having some connection with the Boston University as well. It is obvious that such a big medical center is having social media pages as well including Facebook, Twitter and others as well. Boston Medical Center is claiming to do the following: taking care of your health, giving you health plans, teaching and researching. For those who are willing, people can also donate to this center if they want to. BMC is also offering numerous outreach programs and services such as Health Screening, Smoking Cessation, Preventive Food Pantry as well as Interpret Services in more than 250 languages.

Overview of

There’s no information about drugs, there’s not a list of drugs or a price list for drugs. There’s also no mention about shipping or about paying methods. There is not even a FAQ page. Due to the fact that this is a medical center and not an pharmacy it was expected that such points as selection of drugs, prices for drugs, shipping and payment options would be omitted. This is the reason why, unfortunately, I cannot say absolutely anything. What I can assume is that the drugs which they are using here should be a lot since they are claiming to help people with different needs so a medical center should have lots of drugs at their disposal, but the prices I can assume are pretty much the same as in your local pharmacy and unfortunately those are some high prices.

Customer Support Service at

There’s an *contact us* page where this company has shared the ways in which you’re able to get in touch with them if you wish and they include: general mailing address, main phone number, helpful phone numbers, chaplain phone numbers, financial assistance phone numbers, and phone numbers for different needs such as: medical records, patient advocacy, patient information, registration and volunteer services. No live chat function on their website is available, but I can assume that you could write them on social media pages, but I am not sure if you would get responded there.

Boston Medical Center Coupon Codes

As I said it earlier, there are a lot of pages, articles, news and all sorts of informational pages etc. etc. on their website but there is no mention about coupon codes or discounts or any other offers. Unfortunately, I was not able to find absolutely anything that would make you save some money here, or at least that’s what it seems. In short, I was not able to find any offers given by the pharmacy. Contacting customer support first might still be a good idea to ask this.

Boston Medical Center Reviews

There’s nothing which can help us better understand whether it is worth having business with this medical center or not than customer reviews and that’s because those people can really help us understating the company better. According to the number of sites that I was able to find by searching for customer reviews I would say that this is a really famous center. I could find it being discussed on forums and other hotel rating websites. I have also found employee reviews but what’s more important is that I have found customer reviews. Out of 600 reviews on facebook, 400 of them gave it a rate of 5 out of 5 and nearly 100 gave it a rate of 1 out of 5 with all the rest in between. On there are 83 reviews and the average rate is 2 out of 5 but a bit more of a problem is the 98 reviews on pissed consumer website with 0 issues resolved. People are complaining on the rude or ignorant people working there, on their prices and on the fact that their products/ methods does not work.


On facebook it has an average rate of 4 out of 5 and on yelp it has average rate of 2 out of 5. I guess that I am going to take it in between and I would rate this center with 3 out of 5 and the 2 stars were removed because there are way too many people complaining on way too many things. Reviews

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